NLP Practitioner (One Weekend Per Month)
24th May 2025 - 18th January 2026
8 weekends- NLP Diploma must be completed prior to Practitioner- see Diploma dates here
Practitioner Dates: May 2025- January 2026
May 24-25
June 28-29
July 19-20
September 20-21
October 25-26
November 22-23
December 13-14
January 17-18
What will the Practitioner Programme offer me?
Enhancing NLP at Practitioner Level offers you opportunities to:
• Build upon the foundation skills learned and integrated on the Diploma Programme
• Understand how the language we use affects ourselves and others, and how to skilfully use
• language to positively influence yourself and others.
• Learn a range of powerful techniques and processes to transform restricting experiences and beliefs
• Have the choice and skills to achieve the changes you want and assist others to achieve changes they desire
What will I learn?
INLPTA Foundation Diploma must be completed prior to commencement of Practitioner Weekends
Seminar 1 Working With Language –
Aspects of language and universal modelling processes, Meta Model, Conversational Change
Seminar 2 Accessing Unconscious Resources –
Milton Model– The language of influence, Logical Levels, Metaphors, Framing & Reframing.
Seminar 3 Working With Time –
Timelines, In time/ Though Time, Change Personal History, Release Negative Emotion, Phobia Cure
Seminar 4 Mid Course Review and Integration –
Personal State, Outcome Setting, Rapport Revisited, Organic Belief Change, Collapse Anchors, Apply Logical Levels
Seminar 5 Replicating Excellence – Modelling –
Modelling Physiology and Thinking, Shadowing, Strategies, TOTE, Swish Pattern
Seminar 6 Working With Parts –
Behaviour & Positive Intention, Creativity Strategy, 6-step Reframe, Visual Squash, Create a Part, Alleviating Allergy
Seminar 7 Beliefs –
Changing Limiting Beliefs, Reimprinting Beliefs, Developing Empowering Beliefs
Seminar 8 Integration and Certification –
Any dates you are not able to attend may be made up at the appropriate time on the next Practitioner
What About Accreditation?
These programmes are conducted in accordance with the high quality standards of INLPTA (The International NLP Trainers Association).
Successful completion will entitle you to a nationally and internationally recognised INLPTA NLP PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATE